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tv   News4 at 6  NBC  April 14, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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right now at 6:00, not backing down. why tomorrow to be the day north korea test fires a missile. making a deal, bipartisan support tonight for immigration reform and a plan that could go public this week. new charges tonight against a virginia mother that disappeared with her five-year-old son. good evening, i am jim rosenfield. first, two people seriously injured after a house fire in the district. this is a picture of flames tweeted by d.c. firefighters. the fire breaking out this afternoon at a home on 50th street in northeast. that's where darcy spencer joins us with reaction from the family of the two victims. >> reporter: we have a lot of new information, jim, in the last few minutes. d.c. fire officials don't rule out the possibility this could have been an arson. i was told an arson detection
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dog went into the second story bedroom, that's where the fire started here on 50th street here this afternoon, and the dog hit on two separate areas inside that bedroom. the hit was for petroleum product. again, more testing is going to have to be conducted to confirm, but that's the direction authorities are going with the investigation. this could have been an active arson. also, d.c. police confirm they're looking for someone that was in the house apparently when the fire started, with a 13-year-old girl, and was seen running from the house. let's look at a photo taken by a neighbor that lives across the street, and she saw the smoke and flames coming from the house around 1:30 this afternoon on 50th street northeast. police transported a 93-year-old woman, unconscious at the time, also a 68-year-old relative of hers, both rescued from the second floor bedroom here. we're told the woman was disabled. officials say again it started on the second floor bedroom. let's hear from a man that says that was his mother and brother
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there in the house. >> i was in shock when my sister called me, when i heard, called me twice, i said i would get there best i can, i wouldn't even drive, took a cab. got here quick as i could. >> they may lose a member of the family, the lady was very old, she was burned quite badly on her hands and face, so i mean, they're in -- it is horrible. >> reporter: this investigation is continuing. you can see firefighters are still on the scene, d.c. police are here as well as atf. authorities are looking at the possibility that this could have been an act of arson. they're looking to question someone at this hour. live from northeast washington, darcy spencer, news 4. >> anything changes in the next half hour, let us know. to a developing story in fairfax county, a felony arrest warrant was issued for a virginia woman police say abducted her son. police believe rebecca serafin
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may have left the state with her five-year-old son, cameron. the ex-husband says she was supposed to drop him off last monday but never did. police think she may be heading west. investigators found her car abandoned in arlington last week. inside found what appeared to be a passport photo of cameron with a different hair color. turning to weather, another beautiful day outside. what can we expect tonight and starting the work week. here is storm team 4 meteorologist amelia siegel in for chuck bell. >> hello. what a beautiful day. high temperature in d.c., 68 degrees, comfortably cool for the evening hours. no rain in the forecast this evening, and looking at present temperatures, quite comfortable outside. winds are light, out of the east, only 5 miles per hour. here is your good night wakeup forecast. looking at a temperature at 8:00 p.m., 68 degrees, mostly cloudy skies. the clouds have already rolled into the area and are going to remain not only through the evening but tomorrow as well. 11:00 p.m., 56 degrees.
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5:00 a.m., mostly cloudy, 54. 7:00 a.m., there's a chance of isolated shower, mainly to the south of d.c. we are looking at counties like charles county, saint mary's, king george county, tomorrow from 7 to 9:00 a.m., a slight chance of shower. otherwise, a temperature in the mid-50s. coming up, i will have a complete look at the seven day. for now, jim, back to you. word on capitol hill, immigration overhaul might go public this week. it has been compiled by a bipartisan group of senators known as the gang of eight. brian moore explains what the compromise could include. >> reporter: immigration reform took it to the capital this week. in the coming week, the fight over immigration reform is about to head into a new phase in the senate. >> this will be a net positive for the country economically now and in the future. >> reporter: florida republican marco rubio hit all of the sunday talk shows, giving glimpses of the highly
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anticipated bill expected to be unveiled by the bipartisan gang of eight senators. 11 million undocumented immigrants living in this country will have a path to a green card. it's a process. >> that forces you to wait more than ten years, force you to pay an application fee, forces you to pay a significant fine. >> reporter: until they can earn a green card, no federal benefits, no unemployment and health care, and during that time they have to maintain a job and pay taxes. >> in exchange for all of that, we are going to get the toughest enforcement measures in the history of this country. >> reporter: security is the big selling point for rubio's fellow conservatives, not everyone is buying it. >> what's going to happen to working americans whose wages have been falling since 2,000 who are unemployed at a very high rate. it will impact them adversely. >> reporter: democrats in the gang of eight have some selling to do of their own, with a plan designed to carve out middle ground on one of the nation's most divisive issues. key senators are expected to get
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a briefing monday, then hearings could begin later this week, after a vote on the gun control bill. brian moore, nbc news, washington. nra headquarters in fairfax, they carried signs and marched in front of the organization. the senate is expected to vote this week on its gun control measure. sponsors say the vote is too close to call right now. meanwhile, a gun rights group has split with the nra, the citizens committee for the right to keep and bear arms endorsed this senate bill. a big celebration in north korea today on the eve of the nation's biggest holiday. today, statues of kim i will sung and kim john-il were unveiled. as richard engel reports, the world is watching to see if the country will test fire a missile to mark the occasion. >> reporter: here in seoul, we are still waiting to see if
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north korea will, in fact, test fire at least one missile. we have been waiting for days. is it just hype, will it actually ever happen. we may find out tomorrow. tomorrow is the anniversary in north korea of the birth of the country's late founder, kim il-sung, a time where there are usually military parades and shows of force. the missile launch could be timed to coincide with the anniversary. across the region people are still on edge. countries are still worried what this missile test could mean. diplomatically, we could be seeing some progress, particularly between the united states and china. secretary kerry in japan was earlier in china, had what seemed to be productive meetings, both the u.s. and china appearing to agree to return to diplomacy to resume negotiations to try to get north korea to give up its nuclear
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weapons. pyongyang said they will never give up the weapons, they are fight vital, it says, for its survival. richard engel, seoul. >> more coverage of on-going tension on the korean peninsula, including secretary of state john kerry stopping in japan today, coming up at 6:30 on "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. the sound of explosions this morning, the noise coming from a burning garage. several cars inside destroyed. we will hear from a man that lost his car in the fire. plus, a spring avalanche in washington state. new developments in the search for a missing man. and a broken promise, the
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a woman is dead, the search for a missing man was called off after a pair of avalanches in washington state. they hit yesterday at snowqualmie pass east of seattle. they were found on red mountain in blizzard conditions and she died this morning. two managed to escape, but a 60-year-old man was still missing. the search was called off today because of poor weather conditions. friends and family gathered in centerville today to celebrate the life of erin peterson, one of 32 people shot and killed in virginia tech in 2007. tuesday marks the sixth anniversary of the shooting. today peterson's family held its
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annual gospel concert at mount olive baptist church. it raises money for the erin peterson fund. that awarded money to aspiring college students. outrage from groups after learning the 9/11 memorial in new york is charging a fee to reserve passes. new york post says the foundation that runs the memorial is charging $2 for online reservations, day of passes are free. ceo says the fee is necessary for operational needs. the 9/11 foundation has received millions in tax funded and private donations. a museum honoring victims set to open next year, after countless disputes and cost overruns. after another picture perfect spring day, we're going to notice some changes to the start of the work week. amelia siegel is back to
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some people in buoys woke up to car alarms. the fire started with a car parked outside the garage around 5:00 this morning, and quickly spread. four cars were destroyed. several others badly damaged. >> i saw them pulling the fire hoses out, laying them out. i said well, there must be a
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fire. so i came out and saw this particular vehicle was ablaze, all the way across. at first i initially thought my car was okay, but unfortunately it got burnt up as well. >> no one was hurt. investigators are still trying to figure out how the first car caught fire. services resumed at georgetown university chapel after vandalism forced it to briefly close. university president says primary damage was to furniture and other fixtures. he says the vandals didn't touch any religious symbols. two services were moved to saint williams chapel. he asked students to report anything they saw that might be suspicious. capital bike share growing as a way to get around downtown. the bike sharing service has more than 11,300 rides booked yesterday, a daily record, shatters the one set four days ago. more than 9800 used the service tuesday. capital bike share has nearly
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175 stations across d.c., alexandria, arlington. it is the largest bike share program in the country. what a great day today to get out on two peels, four wheels, training wheels. >> simply gorgeous. clouds moved into the area. we will be mostly cloudy for the remainder of the evening hours into tomorrow. temperatures tomorrow will be similar. again, you're going to notice the cloud cover tomorrow for sure, especially after our beautiful spring-like weekend. a live look outside now, you can see looking down at the water, tranquil. the winds are light, temperatures are comfortable. this is a great evening to fire up the grill, do grilling outside tonight. enjoy the weather. as you get ready for the work week, temperatures warm. i have to introduce nuisance rain chances into the forecast. here are the weather headlines. as we look to this week, we will be talking about warming through
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wednesday. high temperatures by wednesday, thursday, friday will be in the upper 70s. again, if you nuisance showers wednesday. widespread rain arrives friday. nuisance shower chances are scattered. everybody can expect rain friday. it is looking like the best chance of the rain now, of course this can change, will be friday afternoon into the evening and overnight hours. temperatures, spectacular. at 67 in washington, 64 in gaiters berg. 64 in leesburg, 68 in men as us. no rain, but you can see clouds across the region. those hang on tonight into tomorrow. mostly cloudy for the evening. temperatures between 57 and 62 degrees. for tomorrow morning, you're waking up under mainly cloudy skies. most of the area remains dry tomorrow morning. however, those of you south of
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d.c., areas like frederiksberg, culpepper, you have a chance for isolated showers, 20% chance. have the umbrella handy. know most likely you won't need to use it tomorrow morning. temperatures starting off the day tomorrow are around 50 degrees. a spring jacket will do by tomorrow afternoon. high of 68. we are looking at breezy conditions that put another chill in the air. mainly cloudy skies tomorrow afternoon, talking highs like 68 in washington, 69 in men as is, 67 in leesburg. getting into tomorrow night during the overnight hours, there's a slight chance you're dealing with a quick passing shower for tuesday and wednesday during the afternoon hours. about a 30% chance of a popup shower or thunderstorm due to a stationary front that's going to sit around the maryland line, bringing that slight chance of afternoon showers and thunderstorms, widely scattered, but a good portion of those days, if not the entire day
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tuesday and wednesday remaining dry. look at how temperatures warm, jim. wednesday, 79 degrees. thursday, still in the upper 70s, keeping thursday dry. as we get to friday, high temperature of 77 that's the day we see widespread rain later. chance of showers early saturday. look at next weekend. it is chilly. 65 saturday, 61 sunday. >> spring. >> exactly. >> thanks. coming up in sports, this video about sums up the nats series against the braves this we
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jason, i guess the nats would like to forget the weekend. >> good thing about baseball, 162 games. you'll get a chance to get back out there tomorrow. after the way the first game of the series ended for the nationals friday, you kind of got the feeling things were not going to go the nats' way against the braves. unfortunately, that was the case. it was all capped off today with the nats being swept for the first time this season. gonzales, bobble head day at the park. yesterday. real thing on the mound today. he was roughed up top of the first, 1-0, atlanta, two on for chris johnson. he smacks that pitch up the middle. justin upton and another come around to score. braves on top, 3-0. top of the third, gio facing
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upton. he knows that ball isn't coming back. upton's league leading seventh homerun, 4-0, atlanta. few batters later, simmons goes, three-run shot to left, 7-0 braves, over five innings, he gave up seven earned runs, most allowed in a game since joining the nationals. and paul maholm gave up four hits, braves complete the sweep, win 9-0. >> the braves now are running hot. they're red hot now. you have to give them the credit. they're tough hitting lineup, good rotation. our job, as a pitcher, you have to go out and try to maintain to a minimum for these guys, i didn't do that today obviously. so i take the blame on this one, 100%. >> this division got tougher.
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i don't think there's going to be a 100 game winner in this division. i really don't. i think it is going to be a battle all year long. they played great. if we play a little better, probably put our self in better position. you know, we got a good taste what they're bringing to the table this year. >> the nats start a three game series in miami tomorrow. the orioles and yankees finish a three game series later tonight. in hockey, no team in the league is hotter than the caps. their seven game win streak is currently the longest in the nhl. caps had that win streak on the line last night versus tampa bay. early on rocking the red, two up, they're up, backstrom with a great pass to ovechkin. gets his league leading 27th goal. 5-1. third, lightning come back, down 5-4. a back hand here, and that ties the game at five, sends it to
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overtime. in ot, it did belong to the capitals. green and navarro going back and forth. caps win it in overtime 6-5. their seventh straight win. caps now hold a four point lead in the southeast division over winnipeg. on the track, at just 27 years old, cal bush already set racing records probably won't be touched by anyone. after winning the nra 500 yesterday, he swept the texas weekend winning the sprint cup and the nationwide races. before the start, more drama for joey legano. got it fixed and pushed right before the race started. and matt kenseth, he shoots out a lug nut, ignites fuel on the track. catches a member of the pit crew on fire.
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he finished 12th. 19 laps left. truex led most of the way, cal bush beats him out at pit road. number 18 holds on for the nra 500. owner joe gibbs, another win in texas and bush gets his second win of the weekend. college lacrosse, georgetown on the road at notre dame. up 3-0, going for more. nice passing, resulting in a goal, one of three on the day for this senior. georgetown leads 4-0. the irish did fight back. tied at 6 in the third, hopkins to conner doyle. he gives notre dame the lead. georgetown fall 10-8. drop to 5 and 7 on the season. final round of the masters taking place today. jason day, adam scott are the
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leaders at 8 under. angel cabrera at seven under. tiger woods, mark leishman five under par. see how they finish today, it is raining extremely hard at augusta. >> they're still playing. >> yeah. >> i guess no lightning. >> yes. "nbc nightly news" is next. we will be back at 11:00. until then, the grief was staggering. one hundred days after us senate starts to act are coming together background checks the second amendment hands of dangerous criminals. ninety percent of america background checks. urge them to join comprehensive background checks. demand action. now.
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